More than 50 people visited the workshop at the Kashirskaya Plaza shopping and entertainment center from Shopping Centers Russia.
The first workshop of the SCRussia shopping centers workshops from SCRussia took place at Kashirskaya Plaza shopping and entertainment center on April 9th, 2019 , where the Kashirskaya Plaza shopping and entertainment center was presented as the most ambitious and interesting discovery in the south of Moscow in 2018. This productive meeting opened a new cycle of meetings for heads of leading companies in the field of commercial real estate interested in the exchange of practical experience.
Representatives of ENKA TC together with brokers from JLL and Knight Frank spoke in detail about the experience of the project’s redevelopment, it’s architectural features, the tenants work details, the project’s marketing strategy, as well as about the features of the facility operation.
Next part of the event was the mall tour. The mall’s managers kindly showed the guests the podium roof which will soon feature a full-fledged summer walking area with tennis and basketball courts, restaurant verandas and a summer cinema. The last stop of sightseeing tour was a visit to the technical areas of the mall.
The event was attended by over 50 people, among them were representatives of Moscow and regional real estate developers, federal retailers, consultants, specialists of the service sector, malls facility operations, as well as heads of technical companies.
The event’s partner was the Kinomax-Titan cinema.